Mother’s Day 2014

DSCN4205I had a wonderful Mother’s Day this year. The day of we had reservations for a Mother’s Day Brunch at Southerly Restaurant and Patio. It was wonderful great atmosphere and tasty food. Next door was a specialty foods store that also had cooking classes. We will definitely go back. We did a little bit of a photo shoot in the front yard before leaving for brunch. Since I am the one usually taking the photos I tend not to be in many of them. I try to make a point to have Chris take Chloe and my photo together every year on Mother’s Day. (P.S. you might have noticed I am wearing braces, My husband the dentist is learning how to do them and is using me as a test patient. Isn’t it nice of me to help him out, let me just say if I knew then what I know now about  wearing them I might not have been the happy helper.) Anyhoo, back to Mother’s Day.


DSCN4144That week Chloe’s PreK class had all of us Mom’s join them for a Mother’s Day Tea. The kids all put on a show singing “You are My Sunshine”. Tears welled up in my eyes as I watched my daughter and her class sing to us. I get so emotional about these things.


DSCN4154The kids had the tables all set up with fresh cut flowers in glass vases that they decorated for us along with a special card. We had a lovely meal of finger foods along with little ham sandwiches the kids all helped make for us. It was wonderful sitting and getting to know some of the other Mommies and spending time with Chloe in her classroom.


DSCN4190That Saturday I was feeling motherly and whipped up a dozen of these Strawberry hand pies made with local strawberries. I forgotten how great hand pies are and how well they travel for picnics or days at the beach. I think I will be making more of these little lovelies and experimenting with different fillings.






DSCN4163I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend and was able to spend it with their loved ones. So much going on around here and I am only able to find the time to share a little bit of it. Seems like the more you involve yourself into your life and the more you have to share the less time is available to share it. Life is Good and I am going to Keep Keeping On!