Artic Nightmare

DSCN2563This is the second bad winter storm that has swept thru Southeastern US. Yesterday was a nightmare. The power was out all day and the whole town was shut down. Towards the afternoon the trees behind our houses started to snap off from the weight of the ice build up. There were many fallen branches that fell into our backyard including this whole top of a tree. We were lucky and none of them hit any structure. Our neighbor had an entire tree fall onto his fence and shed. Overall it was not as bad as it could have been. It just got real cold in the house so we tried to stay bundled up and used our electronic devices until their batteries ran out.


DSCN2569Wool blankets are worth their weight in gold to keep the chill out. This one I have had for many years that I bought in Mexico along with another one. The day I bought them Chris and I were vacationing in Mexico and were laying out on the beach when a local walked up to us wearing a ton of wool blankets and asked if we would like to buy one. The fish and colors on this one caught my eye and he gave me a deal if I bought 2. Anyway this lovely has been with me ever since. I usually drag it out when I have a fever and just can’t get warm. Last night it got us thru the freezing temperatures in our house. We were tempted to go stay in a hotel but did not want to leave the dog or cat at the house so decided to tough it out hoping the power would eventually come back on. Luckily it popped back on around midnight last night and the heat came back on. Yahoo! Today everything is still all closed down but at least we have heat and the internet.


DSCN2553Yesterday in the midst of my stress of keeping my child warm and happy I started a little hand sewing project. It will be a little something for my daughter to hang on her wall from me for Valentines. Nothing says happy love like a pile of cloth yo-yos. Maybe I can get it done by Valentines. I best get off the computer and back to it.


DSCN2433Here is a photo of Chloe and Koda from the last winter storm that hit a few weeks ago. Notice I am inside and not out in the freezing temperatures. Also notice the icicles hanging from the umbrella. I am over Winter and so ready for Spring. I hope this is the last of the artic weather to come thru these parts. There is a whisper that we might have nice weather this weekend. Wishing all of you warm and cozy thoughts.